Weaning Babies

Food Safety Guide For Babies And Toddlers

Foodborne illness is a serious health issue, especially for your new baby and any other kids in your home. Extra care should be taken when handling and preparing their food, and for the wee little ones, when it comes to prepping and storing breastmilk and formula milk.


Baby Led Weaning - Tips, Tricks and Asian Recipes

Starting your baby on solids? Here’s what to be aware of, and some tips and tricks to make mealtimes a lot easier, as well as some Asian baby led weaning recipes.


Weaning and Introducing Solids to Your Baby

After breastfeeding your baby for the first six months, you can start gradually weaning him/her and starting him/her on solids, so they can get vitamins and minerals not found in breastmilk.


Weaning Your Baby - How and When to Start

When your baby reaches her half-birthday, you can also unlock another milestone in her life - introducing her to solids and starting baby weaning. According to the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, babies should preferably be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life if possible. Of course, you should supplement with formula milk if necessary.


Nutritious Food

Gut Health In Kids: What Every Parent Should Know

A child’s gut health reflects a lot about his/her overall internal health so it’s no wonder that there’s a wide range of literature addressing this topic. Parents far and wide are always on a journey towards searching for the best way to maintain a healthy gut, officially known as microbiome, in their child. Emerging research has shown that a healthy gut is related to a wide range of benefits including supporting your child’s immunity and maintaining skin health.


15 Ways to Foster Healthy Eating Habits In Kids

In this day and age where kids are surrounded by fizzy drinks and fast food, instilling the importance of healthy food choices and eating clean and green is ever more a challenge. Fostering healthy eating habits begins from childhood and teaching our kids such positive behaviours will set them up for life.


9 Ways to Get Your Toddler To Eat Vegetables

If your little one refuses to put anything resembling a vegetable near her mouth, here are a few ways to try and get her to increase her vegetable intake. These also work to help you get your recommended two servings a day.


TCM Foods and Guidelines for Your Little Ones

Improve your child's health and nutrition by following TCM foods and guidelines for your child, and build a healthy relationship with food. Let your little one start on soft, cooked vegetables to strengthen his/her spleen. Start your child off with a diet guided by TCM principles, helping them build good eating habits and a healthy relationship with food.


Ways to boost your kids immunity

Concerned about your family’s immunity? Whether it’s COVID-19 you’re worried about, or getting influenza and other illnesses, here are some ways to improve your little ones’ immunity.



Healthy Recipes For Babies And Toddlers By Grace Kee

Grace Kee is the chef behind F & B concept Good Graces. The former VP of marketing left her high-flying corporate job to pursue her passion in Peranakan food and regularly hosts private dining sessions as well as developing pastes and rempahs for home cooked meals of this heritage cuisine. Using the Philips Avent 4-in-1 healthy baby food maker, Grace explored these three healthy recipes for babies and toddlers especially for Mummyfique.


Gourmet Meals For Toddlers By Zanne Goh

Zanne Goh is the face and chef behind @simletseat, a popular Instagram account showcasing creative gourmet home cooked meals for toddlers. Zanne embarked on her creative toddler food journey as she had a picky eater who needed much persuasion to finish meals. A dedicated mum of two, Zanne began experimenting and developing foolproof recipes to whet the appetite of little ones, including her discerning foodie baby. Using the Philips Avent 4-in-1 healthy baby food maker, Zanne created these three recipes especially for Mummyfique.


Recipes - Quick and Classic Ideas for Breaking Your Fast

This Ramadan, we've included some recipe inspiration for breaking your fast, with quick recipe ideas and classic Malay dishes. With the smoothies, these are ideal for ending fasts or as breakfast ideas. Meanwhile, the other recipes are popular Malay dishes eaten around the region. Recreate these dishes at home with the recipes below.


Sharon Wong Shares Her Favourite Recipes

You may know her as Sharon Wong, the founder of Singapore’s longest-running baby retail store Motherswork, but did you know that the mother of three is a talented baker? Back in 2001-2009, when the family was based in Portland, Oregon, Sharon started baking for Chinese New Year, since none of the traditional recipes were available there. The first CNY recipe she learnt was lobak cake or carrot cake.


10 Easy Recipes Your Kids Can Make

Let your little one pick up a new skill at home and teach them how to prepare a meal. As they become proficient in reading recipes and measuring out ingredients, let them try these 10 recipes that are great for beginner chefs under six years old. Just be sure to watch them closely!​​


Baby Food Cooking Hacks for Busy Mums

Amid juggling working from home, tending to your baby with very little additional help (since extended family shouldn’t be visiting), it might be overwhelming to try starting your child on solids during this time. We’ve got you covered with a few meal prep hacks so you’ll always have food for your little one on hand.


Easy Snacks for Your Preschoolers

Looking for easy bento lunch box or snack ideas? We ask our favourite mums to share their go-tos

Baby Led Weaning - Tips, Tricks and Asian Recipes

Starting your baby on solids? Here’s what to be aware of, and some tips and tricks to make mealtimes a lot easier, as well as some Asian baby led weaning recipes.