Diarrhoea in children: What you need to know

Diarrhoea in children: What you need to know

Diarrhoea in children is a common problem faced by many parents. The younger the child’s age, the more vulnerable they are to viruses and bacteria. In fact, it was soon discovered that children who are younger than 12 months old occupy more than half of the diarrhoea cases reported among children. With this in mind, this highlights the importance of understanding diarrhoea in children to better help your little ones.


Parents should be alert if the stools of your little ones are too watery and loose or they are going to the toilet more often than usual as these might be signs of diarrhoea. Above all, diarrhoea occurs when the body tries to get rid of germs. Furthermore, symptoms for mild to moderate cases will normally last for about 2 to 4 days. There are also many causes as to why your little ones are suffering from diarrhoea:

  • Bacteria infection
  • Viral infection
  • Trouble digesting food
  • Food allergy
  • Reactions to medicines
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Drinking too much beverages



Additionally, some of these symptoms might be observed with diarrhoea concurrently:

  • Fever
  • Stomachache
  • Bloating of stomach
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Rashes

However, it is equally important to note that symptoms vary for every case.


Can I prevent diarrhoea?


Germs from diarrhoea often spread easily. Thus, parents should follow these measures if your child has diarrhoea:

  • Wash your child’s hands frequently, especially after changing your little ones’ diapers if they are still in the diaper stage. This ensures that the germs will not be transmitted to you.
  • Clean the tables and chairs frequently to ensure that the surroundings are germ-free.
  • Avoid sharing the same utensils with your little ones to minimise the risk of germs transmission.

Next, diarrhoea often takes place due to unhygienic practices. Similarly, the best approach to prevent diarrhoea from occurring will be to adopt the following measures:

  • Wash your child's hands regularly, especially before food and after visiting the toilet.
  • Food should be handled cautiously to minimise any bacteria and virus being introduced.
  • Ensure that your little ones have taken all the vaccinations required to build up their immunity.


Should you consult a Paediatrician?


Finally, the following are some possible questions parents can use to find out the possible cause to their child's diarrhoea:

  • Does your child has any food allergy?
  • What was your child's most recent meal?
  • Was there blood in the stools?


Should you observe persistent or even worsening symptoms, teleconsult a Paediatrician from SBCC Baby & Child Clinic and Thomson Paediatric Centre on the WhiteCoat app with your child. Experience the convenience of remote care for your child, and receive the required care and medication from the comfort of your own home. Click here to find out more about WhiteCoat’ Paediatrics service.


Credits: Elina Fairytale


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