A Christmas Resolution - Singapore Mums Speak Out

A Christmas Resolution - Singapore Mums Speak Out

As we round up 2021, let’s be thankful for all that we have and look forward to the upcoming year ahead.


In the blink of an eye, we’re in the final stretch of 2021 and welcoming the next, and hopefully less disruptive 2022. It’s that time of the year when you’re wrapped up in the mad rush of Christmas shopping, shoving out all the old stuff and ushering in the new. New Year’s is an opportunity to reset, regroup and revitalize. Let’s hear from these mums as they speak about their year-end perspectives and resolutions for the upcoming year.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Mum of three and fourth runner up of Mrs Singapore World 2016/2017.


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

I learned to celebrate every small steps of success. It allows me to realize how much I've done right especially when it's too easy to forget these and end up I focus more on trying not to fail . I understood how important it is to cut off toxicity in life . Positivity leads to more happy memories and they are like lifesavers . As we collect more and more happy memories , we instantly change our perspective of the world and move forward with bigger steps .


What is one wish that you have for 2022?

I wish for great health , wealth and happiness for everyone around me . 2021 was also a very challenging and demoralising year for most . One greatest wish is for the pandemic to be fully under control and everything goes back to normal like before.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a full time working mom with two beautiful little girls that love capturing her daily snippet in photos and videos. I am passionate about volunteering for women/children causes, and has been privilege to be involved in volunteering opportunities for the less fortunate group of people. During my free time at home, we love to read, create art pieces and cook up simple quick healthy recipes. When we get outside, we love the parks & beaches, cafe hopping or enjoy a good show together as a family.


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

To set achievable resolutions and celebrate when achieving each resolution. I’ve also learnt to put down my phone more often by reviewing my phone usage once a day so that I can spend time on meaningful pastimes like yoga and meditation. I’ve learnt to accept the mess my little ones make in our home. Yes, a clean living space is desirable but not 24/7. I’ve learnt to be more forgiving to myself. I’ve also learnt to be kind to my body as what matters most isn’t how I look but how I feel inside. My postpartum body may not be the most fabulous, but it is my body that brought two beautiful little girls into my family.

What is one wish that you have for 2022?

Spend more time doing social work every month and hopefully plan a family trip at the end of 2022 if all the environmental factors permit.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am a happiness enthusiast and I have two kiddos, Lara and Arian. My main mission is truly to help inspire people to live happier and healthier lives.


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

In 2021 I learned that nothing is permanent and that happiness truly has to stem from the home. Hoping and wishing for things to change or relying on happiness from others is not realistic. We need to take ownership and control of how happy we want to be.


What is one wish that you have for 2022?

My wish for 2022 is to be able to enjoy Singapore more and to treasure every moment.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m the co-founder of In My Shoes, a social initiative that collects and gifts shoes to underprivileged youth in Singapore. My husband and I, Seng Song, are ex-national runners and parents of two, Tien (2.5-years-old) and Emmett (newborn)!


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

Every season is unique and special in its own way. I’ve learnt to be more present and to focus on the joys in my current season. I also remind myself that it’s ok to juggle less, and focus on the more important “glass” balls.

What is one wish that you have for 2022?

I wish for clarity and resolve. Clarity to know what my priorities are, and resolve to navigate them.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m an illustrator and calligrapher whose (part-time) career as an artist first began with a goal to “calligraph my own wedding invites”. Since then, it's been seven years and now I illustrate anything and everything, from posters to books and merchandise. I’m a full-time Speech Therapist, and recently took up a third job (without interview) as a mother to a lovely two-year-old girl.


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

Contentment. I thought we were doomed when travelling was taken away from us as a luxury. When we couldn’t go out and when I had the chance to, we booked a staycation with the family. My one and a half year old daughter at 10 pm said “go home.” That was when I realised, that to these little ones, the luxuries of travelling or a staycation do not matter. All they want is consistency - home, mummy and daddy. And I guess that’s what struck me, that these are really all the matter.


What is one wish that you have for 2022?

I really look forward to some kind of normalcy. It’s been a long time. My daughter’s age is really a reminder of how long the pandemic has been raving on. If I was completely honest, this wasn’t what I expected motherhood to be. I was hoping we’d be meeting people and exploring spaces in Singapore. But we’ll look forward to the day we no longer need to worry about trace together tokens.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Mum of four kids, fashionista and influencer.


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

I’ve learnt to appreciate my family and the time we have together more.

What is one wish that you have for 2022?

I wish that we will be able to grow stronger together as a family in the face of this seemingly unending pandemic.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am Jasmine, mum to one-year-old Joshua! Our family of three enjoy being active and love being outdoors. I run a chain of fitness boutique studios, Lab Studios. We offer yoga, barre and reformer classes at Katong, Holland Village and Duxton.


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

In 2021, have learnt to live by faith and not by fear. Covid had us all crippled in fear for a good amount of time. In 2021, we as a family decided that we will continue to live our lives and give little Joshua the childhood he deserves. We took him out for meals with us whenever we were allowed to, also brought him to the playground to play and explore every evening and continued going for baby playdates. We avoided all these things previously out of fear of contracting Covid. We still take necessary precautions, but have faith that our family is protected.


What is one wish that you have for 2022?

I wish for light to shine through pockets of darkness in our world in 2022. I wish for a world that sheds light on mental wellbeing and for more people to be free.



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Stay-at-home mum to two boys aged four and six.


What have you learnt in/about 2021?

2021 is a whirlwind of ups and downs. Having lost my mother to cancer previously, my family became my biggest rock and most important aspect where I try to devote most of my time to currently. Just when things seem to be picking up, I lost my closest uncle suddenly earlier this year. Once again, feeling the loss of a close family member, my grief is too heart-breaking to bear. If I could advise anyone, it would be to make sure you never go to bed angry, life’s too short to hold on to grudges. Family is not an important thing, it’s EVERYTHING.


What is one wish that you have for 2022?

I wish for a better 2022.


Credits: Rui Xu


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